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Lyceum: Caring Community Engagement is published every four times a year in the months of March, June, September, and December. Articles to be received and published in the Lyceum: Caring Community Engagement are included in the scope of varieties of fields. The term "community engagement" refers to activities such as providing services to society, using relevant research and technology, growing the capabilities of society, and empowering local communities. The journal publishes advancement from varieties of fields. The journal publishes topics such as innovation of community engagement programs, engaged research, community-based research, community services, and purpose community engagement, but not limited to, ideas on Economy, Education, Law, Politics, and Health. Editor in Chief of Lyceum: Caring Community Engagement, Dr. Husna Nashihin.
Lyceum: Caring Community Engagement
Azhar Amanaa Foundation Yogyakarta
Siwil RT.05/RW.20, Siwil, Sukoharjo, Ngaglik, Sleman, Yogyakarta 55581
Telepon: 083817990006
Whatsapp: 087752280844