Call fo Papers
Vol. 3 No. 2 Mei 2024: Amorti: Jurnal Studi Islam Interdisipliner
Articles to be received and published in the JIPSI: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan dan Sains Islam Interdisipliner are included in the scope of:
- Education Science.
- The Islamic Education Science.
- Educational Psychology.
- Learning Psychology.
- Educational Philosophy.
- Islamic Educational Philosophy.
- Lesson Plan.
- Lesson Design.
- Lesson Media
- Development of Resources and Learning Media.
- Learning Theory of Islamic Education.
- Learning Strategies of Islamic Education.
- Islamic Education Curriculum Development.
- Objectives and Evaluations of Educational Curriculum.
- Tafsir Tarbawi.
- Hadist Tarbawi.
Dr. Husna Nashihin, M.Pd.I.
WA. 089527955000