Author Guidelines

Term of Writing

Amorti: Jurnal Studi Islam Interdisipliner

Year 2022

  1. Articles are original works and have not been published in a single periodical issue. The topic of writing is in accordance with the scope of the journal study, namely Islamic Religious Education or Islamic Education
  2. Articles can be the result of field research or literature and can be in the form of a study from a reflection of thought.
  3. Articles of research results must include: Title, Author Name (without a degree), Author Affiliation and Email, Abstract in Indonesian and English (150-200 words), Keywords (2-5 words), Introduction, Methods, research results and discussion, Conclusion, and Bibliography.
  4. The title must be concise and specific, not exceeding 15 words in Indonesian and English.
    Abstract written in two languages: English and Indonesian consisting of 150-250 words. Which contains the background of the problem, objectives, methods, and research results/conclusions.
  5. The manuscript is written in Indonesian/English, Font-size: Cambria 11, paper size A4, bottom margin 2.5 cm, top 2 cm, left 2.5 cm, and right 2 cm. One and a half spaces. If there is writing in Arabic, the font used is Sakkal Majalla 14 points and it is not allowed to write verses of the Qur'an and hadith using an application (eg al-Qur'an in word, Jami' al-Hadith, etc.).
  6. The content of the manuscript is between 10-15 pages, references are written with a bodynote system that includes the author's name, year of publication, and page.
    Reference at least 20 sources (80 percent of sources published in the last 5 years). References or bibliography use the APA 6th Style Edition format. Making a bibliography using the ZOTERO, MENDELEY application or the like.
  7. Journal Templates can be downloaded via the following link JOURNAL TEMPLATE
    Acceptance of softcopy manuscripts can be sent via the submission menu in the Online Journal System: Amorti: Jurnal Studi Islam Interdisipliner (
  8. The Author Guideline can be downloaded via the following link AUTHOR GUIDELINES
  9. The Amorti : Jurnal Studi Islam Interdisipliner does not charge APC fees, registration fees, or other fees. All article publication processes are free of charge.