Amorti: Jurnal Studi Islam Interdisipliner 2024-10-09T00:00:00+00:00 Dr. Husna Nashihin, M.Pd.I. Open Journal Systems <p>Amorti: Jurnal Studi Islam Interdisipliner <a href="">ISSN 2962-9209</a> <a href="">DOI 10.59944</a> with SK ISSN <a href="">BRIN Decree Letter</a> is a national journal published four times a year published by <a href="">Yayasan Azhar Amanaa Yogyakarta</a>. The focus of this journal's discussion covers the fields of scientific studies related to Islam and culture which are reviewed using an interdisciplinary approach. This journal is published four times a year in<strong> January</strong>, <strong>April</strong>,<strong> July</strong> and <strong>October</strong>.</p> Benefit of unified halal certification in nigeria halal industry 2024-08-21T16:07:04+00:00 Fatimah Ademola Betania Kartika Anis Najiha <p>The first step in harmonizing, standardizing, and regulating halal practices in the nation is unification and standardization. But the halal market in Nigeria is still developing. The growing need for halal products draws businesses with or without an Islamic relationship to halal certification. In Nigeria's case, the certification is granted by both conventional and religious certifying agencies. Having an excessive number of halal certification suppliers without oversight of their operations can make it difficult to determine which firm to trust. This research aims to investigate the feasibility of establishing a uniform and consistent halal certification in Nigeria, in light of the existing misunderstanding. This essay examines the significance of having uniform frameworks for halal certification. The study uses a qualitative methodology, gathering data through library research and interviews. To address the study topic, a thematic analysis of the data is conducted. Increased consumer trust, easier market access for companies, and better regulatory control are all advantages of unification. This research supports a streamlined approach to Halal certification that fosters transparency, credibility, and market integrity globally through cooperation among certifying bodies, regulatory authorities, and industry stakeholders. This article suggests that, while achieving halal certification, unity is feasible.</p> 2024-10-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Amorti: Jurnal Studi Islam Interdisipliner Islamic prenatal education for pregnant mothers in ngadirojo village 2024-06-11T17:33:44+00:00 Mohamad Ardin Suwandi Fatikhatul Muawanah <table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p>Prenatal education is one of the important stages in forming a child's character. This education starts from the time the fetus is in the womb until it is born into the world. Many mothers do not carry out their duties properly in providing stimulus or stimulation to the child they are carrying because of the mother's lack of knowledge about how to educate a child well while still in the womb in the Islamic view and there are still many who think that the child's intelligence and intelligence is sufficiently supported by nutrition. the good one. This research aims to reveal the concept of prenatal education from the perspective of Islamic religious education. The research method used is a qualitative research method with a qualitative descriptive approach. Data was obtained through literature studies and interviews with pregnant women in local villages. Data analysis was carried out using observation and interview techniques. The research results show that further research is still needed to develop more specific and measurable Islamic-based prenatal education methods. It is hoped that collaboration between educators, health practitioners and ulama can produce a more holistic and effective approach to Islamic-based prenatal education. The research results show that prenatal education from the perspective of Islamic religious education involves aspects such as the habit of listening to the holy verses of the Koran, prayers and dhikr which are good for fetal development. Apart from that, it is important to provide positive stimulation and a conducive environment for pregnant women. The novel elements in this research are the role of parents in prenatal education, the influence of the environment on pregnancy, prayer and dhikr during pregnancy, early religious education, health and nutrition in Islam, the role of society and community. It is hoped that the results of this research can contribute to the understanding of the importance of prenatal education in Islam, so that it can serve as a guide for pregnant mothers in preparing a quality generation.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> 2024-10-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Amorti: Jurnal Studi Islam Interdisipliner Moral values in the wayang petruk dadi ratu 2024-03-19T00:57:04+00:00 Ngatmin Abbas Mukhlis Fathurrohman Husna Nashihin Muh. Hasbi Khilal Zuhri <p>This research aims to explore and analyze the moral values embedded in the play Petruk Dadi Ratu in Javanese wayang art. The research method applied is a literature review (library research), focusing on the analysis of wayang texts and the Javanese cultural context. The research findings indicate that the play encompasses moral values such as wisdom, honesty, and fair leadership. The study also reveals how the character Petruk, through his journey to become a queen, represents noble values within Javanese society. The implications of these findings provide profound insights into how wayang art serves as a medium for conveying moral values in Javanese culture.</p> 2024-10-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Amorti: Jurnal Studi Islam Interdisipliner Strategies for instilling patriotism in islamic religious education at mts ma'arif darul aman pringsurat 2024-07-27T04:08:46+00:00 Afan Nur Khamal Sigit Tri Utomo Ana Sofiyatul Azizah Jundil Islam Muhammad Muslikhin <p>Latar belakang dalam penelitian ini adalah kurangnya pemahaman peserta didik MTs Ma'arif Darul Aman Pringsurat tentang pentingnya cinta tanah air dan nilai-nilai nasionalisme dapat berdampak negatif pada pembentukan karakter, akhlak, dan identitas nasional. Tanpa pemahaman yang cukup, peserta didik MTs Ma'arif Darul Aman Pringsurat dapat menghambat tumbuhnya generasi yang mencintai negara, perilaku berakhlak mulia, memiliki rasa tanggung jawab terhadap pembangunan bangsa, dan menjaga persatuan serta kesatuan Indonesia. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk untuk menganalisis strategi, pelaksanaan dan faktor pendukung dan penghambat strategi penanaman karakter cinta tanah air dalam pembelajaran pendidikan agama Islam di MTs Ma'arif Darul Aman Pringsurat.</p> <p>Jenis penelitian ini termasuk penelitian lapangan, dengan metode penelitian kualitatif dan pendekatan fenomenologi. Penelitian ini mengambil data dari sumber data primer yang berupa hasil wawancara, serta sumber data sekunder yang berupa hasil observasi dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data peneliti mengumpulkan data, mereduksi data, menyajikan data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Pengecekan keabsahan data dilakukan dengan triangulasi sumber.</p> <p>Berdasarkan analisis data hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan sebagai berikut. Pertama, strategi penanaman karakter cinta tanah air dalam pembelajaran pendidikan agama Islam di MTs Ma'arif Darul Aman Pringsurat, melalui pengalaman langsung seperti kegiatan upacara bendera, kegiatan ekstrakurikuler, dan peringatan hari-hari besar islam. Kedua, pelaksanaan penanaman karakter cinta tanah air dalam pembelajaran pendidikan agama Islam di MTs Ma'arif Darul Aman Pringsurat dengan menanaman karakter cinta tanah air dalam pembelajaran pendidikan agama Islam, termasuk pemahaman konsep cinta tanah air dalam Islam, integrasi dalam materi pembelajaran, dan pengalaman lapangan. Ketiga, faktor pendukung strategi penanaman karakter cinta tanah air dalam pembelajaran pendidikan agama Islam di MTs Ma'arif Darul Aman Pringsurat adalah komunikasi guru-peserta didik, kerja sama antara guru dan tenaga kependidikan, kerja sama dengan pengurus pondok, dan kerja sama dengan orang tua. Sedangkan faktor penghambatnya adalah perbedaan jadwal antara sekolah dan pondok, perbedaan persepsi, lingkungan pergaulan peserta didik, dan pengaruh gadget.</p> 2024-10-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Amorti: Jurnal Studi Islam Interdisipliner Islamic principles for achieving edupreneurship success 2024-06-04T02:15:52+00:00 Yusuf Ardhianto Subiyantoro Puji Alim <p>Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui prinsip dan kriteria keberhasilan edupreneurship menurut perspektif Islam. Metode penelitian yang penulis lakukan ialah kualitatif-deskriptif dengan pendekatan library reserarch. Teknik pengumpulan data disini yaitu dokumentasi. bahwa prinsip-prinsip edupreneurship dalam pandangan Islam untuk mengoptimalkan berbagai potensi yang dimiliki demi menghasilkan nilai tambah ilmiah sekaligus nilai tambah ekonomis yang relevan dalam bidang pendidikan Islam. Edupreneurship Islam akan menumbuhkembangkan kebiasaan peserta didik dalam berwirausaha untuk tetap kreatif dan inovatif seperti menulis buku sesuai dengan minat dan bidang masing-masing, melakukan aktivitas lain yang dapat memberikan nilai tambah secara ekonomis. Alhasil akan membawa peserta didik pada perubahan yang awalnya sebagai pengguna kemudian beralih menjadi penghasil. Hasil penelitian dari prinsip edupreneurship menurut perspektif islam ini yaitu percaya diri, inisiatif dalam arti enerjik, fokus pada tugas dan hasil, berwawasan jauh ke depan, berjiwa kepemimpinan, berani mengambil resiko, penuh perhitungan, komunikatif, reflektif, keorisinalitas, inovatif, kreatif, fleksibel. bijaksana dalam mengambil kebijakan dan keputusan.</p> 2024-10-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Amorti: Jurnal Studi Islam Interdisipliner Fiqh contribution to sustainable development as a form of islamic law reform in the modernization era 2024-05-23T10:15:27+00:00 Agustiar Zaid Barzenji Ali Saif Bassam Badar Ja'far Al Kutsairi Ibrahim bin Salem Umar Ahmad Salem <table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p><em>Sustainable development is a global challenge that requires a holistic approach, including economic, social and environmental dimensions. Countries with a majority Muslim population have the potential to utilize fiqh, as a system of Islamic law and ethics, to support sustainable development. This research aims to explore the contribution of fiqh To Sustainable Development As a Form Of Islamic Law Reform In The Modernization Era. Using a qualitative approach and descriptive-analytical design, this research examines relevant literature, analyzing policy documents. The research results show that fiqh provides a strong ethical and normative foundation to support sustainable development. Fiqh principles such as justice ('adl), public benefit (maslahat), and amanah (trust) are very relevant in overcoming the challenges of sustainable development. Analysis of policy documents reveals that although there are initiatives to integrate fiqh principles in public policy, implementation is still limited and sporadic. In conclusion, fiqh has great potential to contribute to sustainable development by offering strong ethical and normative guidance for creating a more just and sustainable society.</em> <em>It is recommended that future research conduct in-depth case studies in countries with a majority Muslim population to evaluate the implementation of fiqh principles in sustainable development policies, as well as analyze their effectiveness on sustainable development indicators. In addition, it is important to develop a practical framework for the implementation of fiqh principles, conduct comparative studies with other countries, examine the role of stakeholders, and assess the impact of educational programs and public awareness. Long-term evaluation is also needed to measure the real impact on sustainable development and community welfare.</em></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> 2024-10-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Amorti: Jurnal Studi Islam Interdisipliner