Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan dan Sains Islam Interdisipliner http://journal.amorfati.id/index.php/JIPSI <p>Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan dan Sains Islam Interdisipliner <a href="https://issn.brin.go.id/terbit/detail/20220912182198052">ISSN 2962-9187</a> <a href="https://doi.org/10.59944/jipsi">DOI 10.59944</a> with SK ISSN <a href="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yxJWFOqKHA2HlsUZ_mVOfdX8MwKUPx3Y/view?usp=sharing">BRIN Decree Letter</a> is a national journal published four times a year published by <a href="https://amaayo.org/">Yayasan Azhar Amanaa Yogyakarta</a>. This journal facilitates authors to share, disseminate, and discuss research results and experiences through an interdisciplinary approach that covers the fields of education, learning, curriculum development, educational innovation, educational methodology, educational technology, and educational thinking through the convergence of approaches from two or more disciplines. This journal is published four times a year in<strong> February</strong>,<strong> May</strong>, <strong>August</strong> and <strong>November</strong>.</p> en-US amorfati.husna@gmail.com (Dr. Husna Nashihin, M.Pd.I.) jurnaljipsi.amorfati@gmail.com (Triana Hermawati, A.Md., S.Pd.) Thu, 29 Aug 2024 20:24:08 +0000 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 STAD Cooperative Model in Islamic Education: Enhancing Learning Outcomes on the Names of Allah in Grade V at SDN 150 Barru http://journal.amorfati.id/index.php/JIPSI/article/view/305 <p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan penelitiann Tindakan kelas tentang implementasi Model Kooperatif Tipe Stad (Student Teams Achievement Division) pada pembelejaran pai&nbsp; materi lebih&nbsp; dekat dengan nama-nama allah&nbsp; dalam miningkatkan hasil belajar siswa di kelas V SDN 150 Barru.&nbsp; Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas dengan menggunakan model dari Model kemmis dan MC taggart, subyek penelitian ini adalah kelas 5 SDN 150 Barru yang berjumlah 20 siswa. Teknik dan alat pengumpulan data adalah tes&nbsp; untuk mengukur keberhasilam pengetahuan peserta didik sebelum dan sesudah dilaksanakan model pembelajaran Model Kooperatif Tipe Stad (Student Teams Achievement Division) .Teknik analisis data menggunakan teknik statistik deskriptif untuk mendapatkan kesimpulan tentang implementasi Model Kooperatif Tipe Stad (Student Teams Achievement Division) pada pemblejaran pai&nbsp; materi lebih &nbsp;dekat dengan nama-nama Allah&nbsp; dalam miningkatkan hasil belajar siswa di kelas V SDN 150 Barru.</p> <p>Berdasarkan temuan dari siklus I ke siklus ke II&nbsp; terkait&nbsp; Implementasi Model Kooperatif Tipe Stad (Student Teams Achievement Division) Pada Pemblejaran PAI&nbsp; Materi Lebih Dekat Dengan Nama Nama Allah&nbsp; Dalam Miningkatkan &nbsp;Hasil Belajar Siswa Di Kelas V Sdn 150 Barru terdapat peningkatan yakni pada siklus 1 hasi belajar siswa yakni 68.3 sedangkan pada siklus ke II yakni 83.2</p> Sulfikar Muhaemin Fikar Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan dan Sains Islam Interdisipliner http://journal.amorfati.id/index.php/JIPSI/article/view/305 Thu, 29 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Implementing fiqh muamalah education for children with intellectual disabilities at slb negeri magelang http://journal.amorfati.id/index.php/JIPSI/article/view/365 <p>The aim of this research is to determine the implementation of muamalah fiqh learning for mentally retarded children, supporting factors and inhibiting factors for muamalah fiqh learning for mentally retarded children in Magelang City State Special Schools. This research uses qualitative research methods, using a pedagogical approach. This type of research is research conducted in the field. The data sources used are primary data sources in the form of observations and interviews, as well as secondary data sources in the form of documentation results. Data collection techniques use observation, semi-structured interviews, and documentation. The data analysis technique in this research uses data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. Meanwhile, data triangulation uses data source triangulation, technical triangulation, and time triangulation.</p> <p>The results of the research show that muamalah fiqh learning for mentally retarded children at the Magelang City State Special School is integrated through PAI learning so that the learning is adapted to the needs and abilities of mentally retarded children. In learning Islamic jurisprudence, the material taught to mentally retarded children is the basics of buying and selling, such as the meaning of buying and selling, the law of buying and selling, and various types of buying and selling. There are two strategies used by PAI teachers in teaching mentally retarded children, namely individual strategies and behavioral strategies. Meanwhile, the methods used by PAI teachers in learning jurisprudence are lecture, question and answer, cooperative, and Contextual Teacing Learning (CTL) methods. The supporting factors for learning muamalah fiqh for mentally retarded children include adequate facilities and infrastructure, appropriate learning methods and strategies, and PAI teachers having a patient attitude in teaching mentally retarded children. Meanwhile, inhibiting factors include the lack of learning media used by teachers, the lack of PAI teachers in special schools, the absence of learning modules or books for students to use, and mentally retarded children who have different cognitive abilities from normal children.&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Anifa Rahmawati Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan dan Sains Islam Interdisipliner http://journal.amorfati.id/index.php/JIPSI/article/view/365 Thu, 29 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Utilizing Card Sort Media to Alleviate Boredom in Islamic Cultural History Education http://journal.amorfati.id/index.php/JIPSI/article/view/315 <p>SKI learning in Madrasah tends to be rote and merely informative. Thus, students often experience boredom when learning SKI. Saturation can be interpreted as boredom. This boredom causes students to have difficulty in understanding SKI learning material. To overcome this boredom, one way is to use innovative learning media such as card sort.&nbsp; Card sort media is proposed as a solution to overcome problems in SKI learning. This research uses literature study method as the main approach in data collection and analysis. The results show that card sort media can make learning more interactive and interesting, so it can increase students' enthusiasm and motivation to learn. However, the drawback is that it can take a lot of time to prepare. Then it will be easy for noise to occur if the teacher cannot condition the class properly. In addition, card sort media can only be used for group learning and there is a possibility of deviating students' attention, especially if there is an answer that attracts their attention. As for its use, card sort media can only be used on certain materials. So, not all learning materials can be used in card sort media.</p> Zazali Juwita, Intan Najma Pratiwi, Yolanda Mardianti , Muhammad Agustian Ruyansyah, Muhammad Taufiqurrahman Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan dan Sains Islam Interdisipliner http://journal.amorfati.id/index.php/JIPSI/article/view/315 Thu, 29 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Kontribusi Kontribusi Pengajian Arba'in Nawawi Dalam Meminimalisir Kenakalan Remaja Di MTs Ma'arif Candimulyo http://journal.amorfati.id/index.php/JIPSI/article/view/319 <table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p>Zahro, Fadhilatuz.2024. The Contribution&nbsp; of <em>Arba'in Nawawi&nbsp; Recitation </em>in Minimizing Juvenile Delinquency at MTs Ma'arif Candimulyo. Thesis, Islamic Religious Education Study Program, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, Nahdlatul Ulama Islamic Institute Temanggung. Juvenile delinquency is an important problem that must be addressed immediately, until now there is a lot of news of juvenile delinquency such as cases of crime and bullying. The purpose of the research is to find out the contribution <em>&nbsp;of&nbsp; Arba'in Nawawi</em>'s recitation in minimizing juvenile delinquency as well as the supporting and inhibiting factors of this activity. This study uses qualitative methods, phenomenological approaches, types of field research, primary and secondary data sources. The data collection technique uses observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis technique uses data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawn, the researcher selects objects in MTs Ma'arif Candimulyo. The contribution in minimizing juvenile delinquency through the recitation of Arbain Nawawi is able to build morals and ethics, build character, self-control, increase intelligence and spiritual awareness. The supporting factors for the activity are the support from the school, support from parents who give permission to participate in the activity, students' awareness of the importance&nbsp; of <em>&nbsp;the Arba'in Nawawi recitation</em>, while the inhibiting factors are the lack of activity of students and there are still many students who are influenced by their friends not to take part in the recitation.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> fadhilatuz zahro marsih Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan dan Sains Islam Interdisipliner http://journal.amorfati.id/index.php/JIPSI/article/view/319 Fri, 30 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 ANALISIS KELAYAKAN BUKU AJAR “QORY ‘AROBY” KARYA DR MUHAMMAD SYAIROZI YANG DIGUNAKAN KELAS II SALAFIYAH ULA ISLAMIC CENTER BIN BAZ http://journal.amorfati.id/index.php/JIPSI/article/view/289 <p>Kajian kelayakan tentang buku ajar di sangatlah penting &nbsp;kerena berkaitan dengan isi materi yang ada di dalamnya, pembuatan buku ajar ahasa Arab harus memperhatikan landasan dan asas asas penyusunanya agar buku ajar yang di hasilkan sesuai dengan kebutuhan peserta didik yang menggunakanya. Terkhusus pada masalah Apakah buku tersebut telah memenuhi standar kelayakan buku ajar berdasarkan teori ahli dan Bagaimana penyajian dan pentahapan materi dengan konsep seleksi, gradasi, presentasi, dan repetisi. Apa kelebihan dan kekurangan buku Qory ‘Arobi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan metode studi literatur. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa buku bahasa Arab (Qory ‘Arobi) yang di gunakan di Salafiyah kelas Iisalafiah Ula Iclamic Centre BinBaz ini sudah sesuai dengan pentahapan dan penyajian menurut teori Mackey yaitu sudah memenuhi tahap seleksi, gradasi, presentasi dan repetisi namun dari sisi penyajianya masih perlu penyesuaian seperti kelengkapan tanda baca tulisan, lampiran silabus, pemaparan secara langsung yang masih perlunya pendampingan intensif dalam pengajaran.</p> Amrin Mustofa, Suci Rafi Sari Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan dan Sains Islam Interdisipliner http://journal.amorfati.id/index.php/JIPSI/article/view/289 Sat, 25 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Motivation of Students with Learning Disorders in Memorizing the Alfiyah Ibn Malik Text at Imadutthulabah Islamic Boarding School, Magelang http://journal.amorfati.id/index.php/JIPSI/article/view/346 <table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p><strong>Rahmawati, Laila. Motivation of Students with Learning Disorders in Memorizing Alfiyah Ibnu Malik Book Verses. Thesis in Islamic Education, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teaching. Nahdlatul Ulama Islamic Institute Temanggung. 2024.</strong></p> <p>This research examines the motivation of students with learning disorders in memorizing the Alfiyah Ibnu Malik book verses at Pondok Pesantren Imadutthulabah. The study aims to understand both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, as well as the supporting and inhibiting factors faced by these students.</p> <p>Using a phenomenological approach and descriptive qualitative method, this research collected data through interviews with the head of the boarding school, the Alfiyah book verse listeners, Nahwu Shorof subject teachers, and students with learning disorders. Data analysis was conducted through data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions, with data validity checks using source triangulation and method triangulation.</p> <p>Intrinsic motivation, such as personal satisfaction, a sense of achievement, personal development, and responsibility, plays a crucial role in supporting students. This motivation comes from an internal drive to understand and master knowledge, encouraging students to keep trying even though it requires more effort and time. Extrinsic motivation is also important, including external support like praise, expectations from others, and rewards, which encourage students to be more enthusiastic and persistent in their learning. The inhibiting factors faced include genetic, neurobiological, and environmental factors.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> Laila Laila Rahmawati Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan dan Sains Islam Interdisipliner http://journal.amorfati.id/index.php/JIPSI/article/view/346 Thu, 29 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000